
Leverage Blockchain technology for empowerment

The Prime Funds are like a super cool way to invest in blockchain technology for the long run. They're designed really carefully to make sure they use all the best parts of blockchain tech to keep your investment safe and forward-thinking. What Immutable Vision's Prime Funds want to achieve are:

Security: Our funds are powered by Velvet Capital and it's audited and real-time monitored "Smart Contracts".

Accessibility: We're all about including as many people as possible. Our Prime Funds make it easy for all kinds of folks to join in on blockchain-based investments for the long term.

Innovation in Tokenization: Our Prime Funds offer a groundbreaking method of tokenization, akin to an index fund that pools various cryptocurrencies together. This approach allows you to gain exposure to a diversified set of cryptocurrencies while maintaining control over your investments.

Retaining Ownership: In regular investments, you often have to give control to others like banks. But with our Prime Funds, you stay in charge of your investments. Your money is stored and managed using web3 wallets, which give you all the control.

Transparency: Transparency is a core value for us. We believe in complete openness. Every action within the Prime Funds is securely recorded on the blockchain, providing full visibility for anyone to verify. This means you can easily access information about your investments and transactions, eliminating the need for blind trust in anyone else.

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